Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kissing You 6

Kissing You Chapter 6

6th grade

"Jiyong!" Jiyong's mom called to him. "Your father just called."

Jiyong groaned. He knew that whenever his father called from America it was never a good thing. "What now? It's always about my grades, or my music interest, or...."

"He wants us to move to America."

"...or we're moving to America, wait wait WHAT? WE'RE MOVING TO AMERICA?!"

"That's what your father wants honey, his business in America is really good right now. He wants us to move there because he bought a house for us that's much better than the one we have now. Also, while we are there, he wants to teach you a little bit about business."

"What?! Why? He can't just tell us to move to America! I finally have a girl-" Jiyong caught himself before he blurted the fact that he liked Jessica out and his mom started pressing on the subject.

His mother came down the stairs and sighed. "Jiyong, your father is a businessman, and he wants you to be one too. Personally, I think that your career choice at the moment is a bit subpar. Choosing to be a musician, and a singer at that, is not very prominent. There's no guarantee that you'll be successful. Also, being a musician is a short-lived career, Jiyong. Once you pass your mid-thirties or so, you won't be known anymore. Plus-" she was suddenly cut off by Jiyong.

"Umma, stop it! I know that you and appa want my life to be that way, I know that you want me to be successful! But I know how I want my life to be, and the way I want it isn't how you want it."


"No, please, I don't want to go to America, just leave me alone for a while." Jiyong ran out the front door and slammed it, running, just running. He didn't know where to go, but he wanted to be anywhere besides home.

Early in the morning, just as Heechul had woken up from a nice sleep (interrupted by Taeyeon), there was a thump on his window. He looked around. Another thump. He figured out that the thumping noise was caused by someone that was throwing a wallet at his window. He opened the glass door and stepped out onto his balcony.

"Hey, Heechul! Down here!" a voice called.

"Huh? Who-" Heechul started. "Hyung!"


Tiffany was skipping to school. She had called Kyuhyun in the morning and had found out that he wasn't going to school that day, so she left her house earlier to bring him something to eat. She had just dropped off some kimchi when she saw Donghae.

"Hey Tiffany!" Donghae waved and ran to catch up with her. "I don't see you much around here, is there something you needed?"

"Um, yeah, I was just taking some kimchi to Kyuhyun," Tiffany answered.

"Well, if you want, I could walk you to school," Donghae said.

"Sure, why not?"

After 10 minutes of walking together, Donghae and Tiffany arrived at their school. There weren't very many people there yet, and the two stopped at the gates.

"Thanks for walking with me to school Tiffany," Donghae said.

"Well I should be thanking you, shouldn't I?" Tiffany asked.

"Sure, but still."

"Okay, see you around!" Tiffany started skipping away when Donghae called, "Wait!"

Tiffany turned around. "Yeah?"

"Well, if you have time, do you want to go see a movie on Saturday?" Donghae asked.

"Um, sure, I guess I can!"

"Okay then, I'll come pick you up on Saturday at 6:30, you'd better be ready by then!" Donghae winked and walked off.


Junsu was talking with Sunny. Well, actually it wouldn't be really classified as talking because most of it was babbling.

"I know right? Donghae should just get a real girlfriend."

"But he's not, he wouldn't."

"Yeah, you're right, the day Donghae gets a girlfriend is the day the world ends."


"Who says totally these days?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to say it."

"Fair enough."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways, did you hear he asked Tiffany out to a movie about.... 5 minutes ago?"

"Really? Five minutes ago?"


"How'd you find that out?"

"I have my sources."

"Fair enough."


"Who says awesome these days?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to say it."

"Fair enough."

"Does it seem at all to you like we said all this about.... 10 seconds ago?"

"Not at all. Well maybe. Whatever."

The two continued talking rapidly as they walked to their lockers down the hall.


"....and then," Yuri continued, "Sooyoung just took my Ultra-Special-Super-Secret-Greatly-Limited-Edition-Coffee-Prince-Noodle-Bowl-With-Chopsticks-To-Go-With-It!!"

Kibum sighed. Had this happened before?

Yuri looked at Kibum. "Well? What do you think?"

"Oh," Kibum answered, "well maybe if you made up with Sooyoung there wouldn't be so much of a problem."

"Psh," Yuri answered, "are you crazy? You don't know what happened with me and her." With that, Yuri ran off.

Kibum sighed. "Yuri, you don't know how much you're wrong about that."


Sungmin was walking slowly with Sooyoung to school. He gave a little smile when his hand brushed up against hers.

"Hey Sungmin," Sooyoung said.

"Oh, yeah?" he asked.

"Sunny wants to do her gossip corner today again. Do we have time to do it today?"

"No, I don't think so..." he replied. "Arent we doing something during lunch today?"

"Oh yeah!" Sooyoung stopped abruptly and rased her index finger in the air as if just remembering something. "We were going to announce that my birthday party's next week and everyone's invited!"

Sungmin's eye twitched and he gasped in dismay. How could he have forgotten that Sooyoung's birthday was next week? He had been planning to work on it about a month earlier, but it had slipped his mind. What was he going to do now that there was only one week left?

"Uhhh I really hope that Donghae oppa gets me a present.. and if Yuri-monster gets me one I'll scream 'cuz it'll probably be a poisonous snake or a bomb," Sooyoung thought out loud. "How many people do you think will come to my party?" she asked.

"Everyone," Sungmin answered quickly. "You're really popular, everyone's going to come."

"Awwww," Sooyoung said, "you really think so? Thanks."

"No problem," Sungmin replied quickly, blushing. "So I get an automatic invitation to your party?"

"Obviously," Sooyoung answered matter-of-factly. "Actually, you were the first one I put on the list. The last one was Yuri-monster."

Sungmin turned even redder.

"Sungmin? You look kinda sick.." Sooyoung said worriedly.

"No, I'm fine! Go on to school without me!" Sungmin shouted and rushed off.

Sooyoung shrugged. "Fine, more kimchi for me."


"Jessica!" One of Jessica's friends was calling her as she walked into the school. "Come over here, quick!"

Jessica turned her head. There was no way that her friend would be calling her just as she walked into the school unless it was ridiculously important. She walked over. "What is it?"

"It's a new student."

"So?" then moments later, Jessica's face grew into one of shock. The only reason her friend would tell her something so trivial was that the new student was incredibly good-looking.

"Are you serious?" Jessica asked flatly. "You know that there's no guy out there for me other than Donghae."

"Just take a look at him!" she insisted.

"Oh fine." Jessica walked into the crowd and immediately stopped and gasped.


Yoona took a deep breath outside the gates of the school. She had never done something like this before. Since she had no time to make a new outfit yesterday, she had taken the one that had gotten trash dumped on it and washed everything off. Because a stain was left, she had to go to some desperate measures. Yoona decided that she would go with the trashy look and make it look "better". She had dyed the rest of the dress black before anything else. The soiled top half of the dress had tight sleeves sewn on and the bow taken off. The poofy skirt was turned into a tight pleated miniskirt. Late that night, Yoona had also made some black knee-highs with pom-poms on them. Black flats rounded out the outfit, and to top it off, her hair had been rewashed, reconditioned, and recombed to perfection. Her hair was tied into two braids with her bangs let down. All in all, Yoona had opted for a gothic-preppy look.

She stood up straight and walked through the gates. She had no idea how people would take it, but she needed to look confident to pull it off.

It turns out, she wasn't the center of attention.

When Yoona walked in, she looked for a reaction from anyone, even the nerdiest, weirdest loser. But she got nothing. She looked to her left and saw a huge crowd of people gathering around someone. Someone that was not her. Seething, she pushed into the circle.

"Oh. Em. Gee."


Taeyeon rushed up and grabbed Heechul by the collar as he was leaning against a tree crossing his arms and whistling.

"What's that all about?" she demanded as she pointed to the crowd.

"Oh, I don't know, why don't you go check it out?" he asked.

"I'm serious Heechul, I know you have something to do with that."

Heechul smirked. For once he had the upper hand. "You should go and check it out. I'll give you one hint though: he's going to steal at least half of the Donghae fanclub away."

Taeyeon spun around and stormed off, but just as Heechul relaxed, she ran back and grabbed him by his collar again, dragging him toward the scene.


Seohyun shyly talked with Donghae as they rounded the corridor. Donghae was wondering why no one was around, but as long as most of the girls were gone, he was okay with it.

"So, um, oppa, there's this recital on Saturday. For ballet. And in the middle I'll be doing a hip hop solo." Seohyun blurted.

Donghae's ears perked up. "Hip hop? I didn't know you did that," he said, skirting around the topic that he knew would come up.

"In my free time," Seohyun answered softly. "Anyways, I was wondering..... if you could go?" she said, saying it more like a question.

"Uhhh what time?" Donghae asked.

"7 P.M."

"Sure, I'll be there," Donghae answered. He partly heard Seohyun murmuring thanks and rushing off, but mostly he was thinking if he could ask Tiffany to go to the recital instead. A double date with only one guy wouldn't hurt, right?


Taeyeon forced her way through the crowd with Heechul in tow. Heechul tore away from her grip and got into the middle of the circle, along with the mystery guy. He announced while putting his arm around the boy, "Everyone, this is my hyung in his third year of high school, An Kangta. He'll be transferring here as of today."

A collective murmur ran through the group and all was quiet until one girl spontaneously yelled out, "I love your name!"

Kangta laughed. Heechul said quickly, "We'd like to stay and chat, but you see, hyung and I are really really busy right now, we need to get his schedule and whatnot, so bye!" Heechul zoomed off pulling Kangta behind him.

Changmin walked up to Taeyeon, who was still staring in disbelief at how such a good-looking guy could be Heechul's friend. "Hey, where's Tiffany?"

Taeyeon looked around as if noticing that for the first time. "I don't know, actually. She's probably off talking with Kyuhyun or something."

"Huh, that new guy really is something huh?" Changmin asked. "He managed to get more people in a crowd in a couple of minutes than Donghae does in a day."

Taeyeon spun around, eyes ablaze, and started to strangle Changmin. "NO ONE, NOT EVEN YOU, CHANGMIN, TALKS ABOUT MY DONGHAE OPPA THAT WAY!"

Changmin coughed. "Please..... air...... Taeyeon...." he gurgled out. It was just then that Taeyeon noticed his feet were 15 centimeters off the ground.

"Oh, sorry Changmin, but please never ever talk about Donghae oppa like that, I won't hesitate to do that again."

Changmin rubbed his sore throat. "You don't have to say that again."


Jessica shook the thoughts out of her head. That guy wasn't possibly good enough for her. She liked Donghae. "I live for Donghae oppa," she said and suddenly she felt a weight on top of her.

"Hi Jessica!!! How are you today?" Jiyong asked happily. Jessica turned around and was just about to yell at Jiyong when she saw a quick but very, very meaningful flash. A flash of a necklace.

"What's that?" she immediately demanded.

"What's what?" Jessica noticed Jiyong had tucked the necklace subtly back into his shirt.

"That!" Jessica tugged on a noticeable chain around his neck and out came..... a key.

"Oh, I keep an extra key to my house around my neck just in case," Jiyong explained.

Jessica shook her head and gave herself a mental punch. How could she even have thought that Jiyong held the key to her heart? It was impossible. Donghae was the one who had it. Right? She walked away confusedly.

Jiyong turned around and leaned against a pillar, his grin dissolving. "That was close," he sighed while pulling out the necklace that he had hidden. "Jessica can't know it's me. Not until the right time."


Sungmin and Sooyoung entered the broadcasting studio with that day's announcements. "Okay," Sooyoung breathed, "let's do this."

When the "On Air" sign lit up, Sooyoung began, "Having a good lunch everyone? Well if you're not listen up! At the end of this broadcast I'll have some good news, and you might want to grab some paper to write it down!"

"Well, if there's no problems, then let's start!" Sungmin continued. "The second broadcast of Sunny's gossip corner will be conducted tomorrow. As a total, 10 people have gone to her with gossip, and she has taken 4 pieces of those bits."

"The flyers for the school dance in a month are at the main office, so go get some! The student council will be selling tickets. The theme this time is "Drama/Movie Couples"! So you'd better get a date before you have to go alone!" Sooyoung added in a singsong voice.

"To those of you in the Kim Junsu fanclub, there have been complaints of posters of Junsu all over campus, not that we mind, but if you would just be so kind as to remove some of the ones that are in inconvenient places.."

"Err as an announcement to those of you in the drama club, there's no rehearsal this Friday for.. whatever play you're doing, as Ms. Kim is sick and cannot come."

"Okay! Away from all that boring stuff!" Sooyoung put in. "This is where your paper comes in, and I hope you got a pencil too! 'Cuz," Sooyoung took a dramatic pause, "my birthday is next week, so obviously there's going to be a party. It's on Saturday, as all good parties are, because as you know, we won't be able to stay up all night on Sunday. Oh and bring as many friends as you want! The only catch is, you have to tell me beforehand with your RSVP how many friends you're bringing. So, it starts at 5 P.M. and there's going to be LOTS, so if you don't want to miss the party of the year, you'd better hurry! RSVP to my cell number or my email! Thaaaanks."

That night, Sooyoung got about 37 messages from people that were going to her party.


"Hyoyeon!" Eunhyuk yelled, racing to catch up with the girl. Hyoyeon turned around and her eyes grew wide as she saw Eunhyuk running straight for her.

"Hey, watch out!" she yelled.

"Bye!" he shouted as he whizzed by her.

Hyoyeon yelled at him, "What are you doing?"

"Remember yesterday? Whoever gets there first gets to pick the music! And it's not going to be Ara-whoever they are this time!"

"Yah! It's ARASHI!" Hyoyeon hollered. "And we'll see who gets there first!" She started sprinting after Eunhyuk. He saw her coming behind him and started speeding up.

"YES!" Eunhyuk skidded to a stop in front of the dance studio and yanked open the door. He rushed in with Hyoyeon on his heels. Eunhyuk scrambled to the stereo and popped a CD in before Hyoyeon got to him.

"Nyah," Eunhyuk stuck out his tongue. "My choice today. Epik High."

Hyoyeon pursed her lips. "Fine, be that way."

"Okay, let's get started!" Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon had changed into sweats already, and they began moving to the beat until they started getting thirsty.

"Eunhyuk," Hyoyeon said, throwing her head back. "Let's do something else, I'm tired."

"Fine........" Eunhyuk let out a sigh. "But does this mean I win?"

Hyoyeon's head shot up abruptly. "No."

"Why not?" Eunhyuk whined.

"You'd die too if your teacher gave you a major history test today."

"Au contraire," Eunhyuk answered smoothly. "We got a test too. I passed."

"Heeey.." Hyoyeon rolled over from her position on the ground. "What is that? Japanese? American? Chinese?"

"French. And I thought you took French!"

"So? Just because I take French doesn't mean I have to pay attention."

"What. And ever."

"Hey, I'll race you to the sushi place across the street!" Hyoyeon yelled.

"Why sushi?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Well, after we talked about all those languages, I started craving some sushi," Hyoyeon explained matter-of-factly.

"Whatever, let's go!" Eunhyuk zoomed past Hyoyeon and started running to the stop light. Hyoyeon ran outside and looked both ways before crossing in the middle of the street.

"JAYWALKER!" Eunhyuk shouted.

"LOSER!" Hyoyeon yelled.

"No fair!"


Kangta, having been introduced to Heechul's group of friends, was walking home with them after school. Taeyeon had decided to tag along for once. Her excuse was that she was asking Sungmin what he was getting for Sooyoung's birthday.

"Hey, Heechul!" Kangta called. "Sungmin's been talking about this party for this Sooyoung girl and everyone's invited.. does that mean I am too?"

"Yeah," Changmin answered, "she's pretty laid back with who we bring to her parties as long as they're not 'party poopers.'" Changmin put "party poopers" in air quotes.

"Oh, ok, sure!"

"Sungmin! You're pretty decent, come over here." Taeyeon pulled Sungmin to one side to discuss with him what he should get for Sooyoung's birthday, since almost everyone knew about his crush on her.

Meanwhile, Heechul was lagging in the back, and Changmin and Kangta were talking together.

"Hey, what's that girl's name?" Kangta asked. "I don't think that Heechul introduced me to her yet."

"Oh, that's easy," Changmin replied. "She's Heechul's twin sister, Kim Taeyeon."

"Kim Taeyeon..." Kangta thought out loud. "She's kinda cute.."

Changmin's eyes widened. DID HE JUST SAY WHAT I THOUGHT HE SAID?!

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